Huwebes, Pebrero 19, 2015

Regularly Check your SSS Contribution thru SSS Website

When you visit any SSS Branch near you, it is common that you will find long queues waiting for their turn to be accommodated by the SSS Staff. I cannot blame the SSS because there are really many of our fellow Filipinos everyday who are in need, and an aid from SSS benefit will be a great help.

But what if, you would only need to inquire if your current company is remitting your SSS contribution, or check if you the number of months that you have contributed is already qualified for loan? I think the wait for 2hrs minimum just to know a simple inquiry is not worth wasting your time waiting in line.

Good thing that the SSS Website is back again. It has a new look and fell. And here is a tutorial on how you can view your SSS contribution thru the SSS Website.

1. Type on your address bar.  The SSS Website homepage will show.
2. Log in at your My.SSS Account.  Type your User ID and Password at the Member Login box at the upper left part of the page. If you do not have yet an account on the SSS Website, make sure to Sign up first.  If you forgot your password because it has been a long time since you last logged in, then clikc the Forgot UserId and Password in the page. Make sure to remember the email you used in your sign up. Click Submit button. If you have successfully logged in, page will redirect to the Member Information page (See Image below).

In the Member Information page, you will see the basic information about your SSS Membership like your latest Employer, your record location, coverage status and the like.

3. Below the Employee Static Information part, you will see a menu. Click the Member Info (the first in the left side of the menu bar), and then Actual Premiums from the dropdown hover. The Monthly Premiums page will show (see Image below). You will see your contributions laid per year. Voila! Some Employers may remit their employees SSS contributions quarterly so it is possible that may not see yet your contribution for the present quarter.

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